Thermott tool to determine protein–ligand binding constant

Thermott is a web application for analysis of thermal shift assay (TSA)/ differential scanning fluorimetry (DSF) data (Gedgaudas et al., 2022). It is an online tool to determine the protein–compound binding constant from thermal shift data. It is a free, user-friendly and open-source online analysis software that provides estimates of the thermodynamic data on target proteins.

     The thermal shift assay technique can determine protein–ligand affinities ranging from millimolar to picomolar levels in a single ligand dosing experiment. However, this technique is not widely used due to the complexity of thermodynamic data analysis. Therefore, Gedgaudas et al. (2022) have developed a user-friendly, open-source, free online analysis software to study any protein–ligand interaction thermal shift data and yield a comprehensive thermodynamic characterization of the binding reaction. The software can determine ligand binding strength to protein (Kb or Kd). The experiment is done by adding different ratios of ligand to protein. It can determine how different conditions (e.g., salts, metal ions, pH, etc.) influence protein stability. This technique is useful to determine optimal protein crystalization or storage conditions.


Gedgaudas M., Baronas D., Kazlauskas E., Petrauskas V., Matulis D., 2022. Thermott: A comprehensive online tool for protein–ligand binding constant determination. Drug Discovery Today, Vol. 27 (8), pp. 2076-2079.