Latest Medical News

Relationship between gut microbiome and brain

Irish neurologist John Cryan reported that there was a link between the gut and the human brain. He has been studying this gut/brain axis for decades, very recently in the department of anatomy and neuroscience at University of Cork in Ireland. The discovery of numerous scientists suggests that there are trillions of benevolent bacteria and …

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Neural Mechanisms of General Anesthesia

General anesthesia, which is administered to surgical patients during operation, shares the similar numerous neurophysiologic traits with the process of natural sleep. The neural mechanisms underlying sleep–wake and general anesthesia can help to understand their interactions and how anesthetics cause reversible loss of consciousness. Pharmacotherapies, especially those which involve the neural substrates associated with sleep–wake …

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How depression causes abnormal brain signals and transcranial magnetic stimulation restores normal flow of signals

Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a widely used technique to treat and cure depression and other mental health conditions. But the mechanism behind this was not fully clear to the doctors and scientists. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is also the most effective treatment to treat and cure depression. But this procedure is conducted under general anaesthesia …

How depression causes abnormal brain signals and transcranial magnetic stimulation restores normal flow of signals Read More »