Packaging & Labeling

Labeling and packaging in pharmaceutical industry

Dr Md Anawar Hossain

Significance of product labelling and packaging  

Appropriate labelling of products is essential for the safety of the products and customers and reputation of the company. High quality label is used not only for the nice looking of the products on the shelf, but it is required to keep consumers safe and healthy. Tamper evident packaging may be used for the safety of the products and the customers. Pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors can incur high risk such as financial penalty or cancellation/suspension of their license provided that they do not follow the best practices and industry regulations for packaging and labeling (Luminer, 2022). Pharmaceutical companies and distributors may face the following high risks and dangers if they do not follow drug authority regulations for product labelling and packaging.

Risk to patients/consumer safety

  • High risk of harm to patients/consumer.
  • An estimated 7,000 people die every year due to inappropriately dispensed drugs according to the World Alliance for Patient Safety.
  • Lack of adequate essential information on a product’s packaging and labelling for pharmacists and end consumers could cause harm to patients.
  • Unanticipated side effects or even long-term health concerns may arise.

Risk of non-compliance costs

  • Every business has to face the costs for poor packaging and labelling.
  • Every business could be fined for failing to comply with drug authority regulations.
  • The company may subject to a potential product recall.
  • They have to spend additional time and money correcting these errors if they desire to continue selling their product in the market.
  • Every business could face legal action as a result of any harm happened to a consumer due to improper labeling.

Risk of damage of company reputation

  • Damage to company’s brand due to improper pharmaceutical product labeling.
  • Loss of customer loyalty to your company’s products.
  • Your business will have a hard time earning back consumer trust if your brand’s reputation is lost due to a recall or negative media coverage.


  • Every business must ensure that their product’s labelling protects both customers and their company from harm.
  • Certainly, the clear and compliant labelling is very important for running your business.


Luminer, 2022. The risks of poor pharmaceutical labeling and packaging. Accessed on 03/10/2022.